diamond drive

diamond drive

Stories about a band and their travels across the country. Inspired by a whole lot of music and movies. It mostly follows the band’s frontman and how fame affects his relationships with others and himself. I see it as an episodic kind of thing, so events hop around to whatever ideas I want to explore in the moment. I don’t take this too seriously. Unless?


Somewhere on a highway in the 1970s. Muggy and overcrowded cities. Motels with green shag carpets and ugly wallpaper. Lots of setpieces near deserts and oceans. Lots of intense colors. Ohhhh baby.


I realized that maybe it's not such a great idea to have main plot points on display to an untold amount of strangers on the internet!! Unfortunately I'm choosing to be a gatekeeper on this one.


Ray - Frontman of the band. His real name is Henry or something old fashioned like that. Really obsessed with keeping up his image. He talks super fast and is generally full of it. Particular about the hair.

Reuben - Lead guitarist and songwriter of the band. The only one here with actual talent. He looks pretty laid back, but gets way too serious about dumb stuff. Super hard to read since he's so monotone. I should mention he’s a coffee snob.

Dani - Professional couch surfer. She's a thrill seeker who's always out for the next thing. The bubbly carefree one. She often assumes the best in people and has a rosy outlook on things. The other two are probably a bad influence on her.

Mel - Tentative bassist of the band. Incredibly earnest, but doesn't have much ambition. She tends to take everything literally. Doesn't care much for her own appearance or fashion. Her bike is her only priority at this point.

Paola - A crazy rich businesswoman who has a lovehate thing going on with Ray. Usually softspoken, but great at debating (arguing). She can get kind of intense and has a bit of a petty streak. Should consider a nicotine patch.

Julia - One of Ray's exes worth mentioning. A popstar who helped him out when he first came to the city. The girl at the party who hypes you up while you’re puking. She's pushy, but super down to earth. Obviously who Ray picked up some habits from.

Will - Paola's husband. He's very boring and not important right now!!